Bag maintenance instructions
‧ Do not clean or wipe with solvents containing alcohol
‧ Do not wash in water
‧ The PU artificial leather is an environmental-friendly material; it is normal for the surface to hydrolyze or crack after a period of time. Good storage conditions can effectively prolong its usage life.
‧ If the bag gets wet, it can be wiped dry using a clean cloth or place at a cool and ventilated place for it to air dry naturally; do not dry with high temperatures.
‧ After metal objects have been used for a period of time, it is normal for corrosions, surface mottles or fading to occur if they got damped or scrubbed.
‧ It is recommended to keep the bag in dust-proof bags when storing and place it at cool and dry places (avoid direct sunlight exposure, high temperature, rain, moisture, and acidic substances). Pressing heavily, placing too many heavy objects on top or overlapping the body of the bag and the strap may result in deforming, indentation, tinting, fading, and molding etc.
‧ Staining from cosmetics, clothing or decolorization of jeans cannot be removed; it is recommended to first test them with the inside of unimportant clothing.